The Status page will give you a real-time view of who has recently clocked in or out of the system.

The employee "status" is based off of the last clock that they performed. If their last clock was missed, then you will find them in the "Missing" tab. The default view of the Status feature is "All Departments", but you can choose to view by a specific department if you wish to do so.

To view data, click the Status tab, from there, you will see the default view: all employees for all departments. You can select a specific department to view using the department picker on the left-hand side.

You can filter out clock status' as well. If you'd like to view only employees that are currently clocked in, click the “In" tab. For a view of employees who are currently clocked out, click the "Out" tab. And to view employees who missed their last clock, click the "Missing" tab. To return to view all employees, click the "All" tab.


Search—Allows you to search for any employee by first or last name. 

Print—Displays a clean view of the data, preferable for printing. The data that is in your current view on the portal is what will display in the printed version.

Email—Allows you to email the data. The data that is in your current view on the portal is what will display in the emailed version.

Download—Allows you to download a copy of the data for local archiving. The data that is in your current view on the portal is what will display in the downloaded version.