The Time Off Report will allow Administrators and Supervisors to track time off that employees have used. Administrators will view all employees and Supervisors will only view the employees in their responsible departments.
1. Go to the Reports tab.
2. Click on Time Off Report.
3. Select the Date Range, the date range defaults to the current pay period date range.
4. Select the Employee Type, options include Active employees, Archived employees, or Both.
5. Option to filter by:
- Departments (defaults to all)
- Employees (defaults to all)
- Time Off Type (defaults to all)
- Approval Type (defaults to all)
6. Click on Run.
Report displays:
- Employee Name
- Used: Total hours used in selected date range
- Current Available: Total balance of all time off type hours available to the employee as of today
Expand rows to show details:
- Dates of Time Off
- Time Off Type
- Approval Type
- Total Hours
- Name(s) of Approver (or user who manually recorded time off)
You can also choose one of the following links on the screen:
- Print - Displays a clean view of the data with expanded rows, preferable for printing.
- Email - Allows you to email the data.
- Export - Allows you to export the data in CSV format.