Expense reports allow you to view expenses by expense code or by employee for a specified date range. To run an expense report, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Reports tab on the main menu.

2.  Click Expense Report from the Reports dashboard.

3.  Select the date range and the employee type (Active, Archived, or Both) for which you want to run the report.

4.  Click All Departments to view a list of all departments and click All Codes to view a list of all expense codes.

5.  Check the departments and codes for which you want data.

NOTE: By default, all departments and codes will be checked. To clear the check marks, you must uncheck the check box at the top. Then you can select individual departments and expense codes for which you want to run the report.

6.  Click Search.

The report data will display.

You can also choose one of the following links at the top of the screen:

Print—Displays a clean view of the data, preferable for printing.

Email—Allows you to email the data.

Export—Allows you to export the data in CSV format, unless you have chosen a different format for exporting. Exports the data to your computer for importing into payroll.