To add a supervisor to uAttend, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Users tab on the main menu.

2.  Click Add User.

3.  From the Role drop-down menu, select Supervisor.

4.  In the First Name field, enter the supervisor's first name.

5.  In the Last Name field, enter the supervisor's last name.

6.  Click Save & Close.

After this window closes, their name should now be in the User list. When you click on it you'll see the following screen:

Explanation for each setting is as follows:

Username/Password: Credentials that are used to log in to uAttend, via either the web or a smartphone (see Smartphone Access below).

Responsible Departments: By default a supervisor can see all departments (and by extension all employees). Here you can decide who they are able to see when they log in.

Timezone: Will default to the timezone displayed in the top left corner, but this can be changed if the supervisor is in another timezone.

Email: In addition to helping with password recovery, also useful if you want to email reports to this supervisor.

Alerts Email: An email that you want staff alerts to go to instead of your main email.

Phone: To document the phone number of the employee.

Alerts Phone: SMS alerts are not available in AU.

Employee Rights: Whether this supervisor can View and Edit employee rights, or View only.

Timecard Edit Rights: Whether this supervisor can affect employee timesheets, leave, overtime settings, etc.  View and Edit or View only.

Department Rights: Whether this supervisor can affect the employee Department rights, View only or Add/Edit/Archive.

Smart Phone Access: Whether this supervisor can access uAttend via their phone (useful if they want to see things like who is currently in/out while not in the office).

Group Clocking: Whether this supervisor can clock in/out on an employee's behalf.

Status: Whether this supervisor is currently able to use this login (would be archived if the individual was terminated, for example).