NOTE: The time off request feature is only available for users in your account who use one of the Platinum Series C time clocks (BN6500, BN6000, CB6500, CB6000) and for users who punch in through the uAttend website.

Enabling Time Off Requests

 In uAttend, administrators can enable employees to enter time off requests in your account.

To enable the time off request feature, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Settings tab.

2.  Click the Employee Services link.

3.  Click Edit in the Time Off section of the page.

4.  Click Enable to turn the feature on.

5.  Choose the Role(s) required to approve requests, Supervisors and / or Administrators.

6.  Enable or Disable the Notifications, if Enabled this will trigger a notification when time off is requested, approved, denied or cancelled, you will also need to check Email as the Notification Delivery Method if you would like to receive notifications via email.

7.  Click Save.

If Time Off Requests are already Enabled, click the Edit link in the upper-right corner of the Time Off section on the Employee Services page to set up approvals and notifications for time off requests, 

Entering Time Off Requests via Time Clock

Employees can enter time off requests through a Platinum Series C time clock (BN6500, BN6000, CB6500, CB6000).

To enter a time off request through a clock, employees will follow these steps:

1. Press the (uAttend menu) key, followed by the PIN code assigned to the user.
2. Press OK.
3. Using the down arrow key, scroll down to Employee Service Options and press OK.
4. Using the down arrow key, scroll down to Time Off Request and press OK.
5. Using the down arrow key, scroll down to select the pay code to which you would like to assign the time off and press OK.
6. Select the start date of the time off requested. Press the MENU key to edit the year, month, and day. Press OK when you are finished.
7. Select the end date of the time off requested. Press the MENU key to edit the year, month, and day. Press OK when you are finished.

The time clock will display the message "Time Off Request Submitted!"

Entering Time Off Requests
 via uAttend Website

Employees can enter time off requests through the uAttend website. Administrators can also enter time off requests on behalf of an employee.

To enter a time off request through the uAttend website, employees will follow these steps:

1. Click the Employee Services tab.
2. In the Time Off Requests section, click Add Request.
3.  Select the date(s) of the time off request.
4.  Click Confirm.
5.  Enter the number of hours requested off under the appropriate pay code.

6.  Click Save.

For an administrator to enter a time off request for an employee through the uAttend website, follow these steps:

1. Click the Users tab.
2. Select the user's name.
3. Click the Employee Services link.
4. In the Time Off Requests section, click Add Time Off.
5.  Select the date(s) of the time off request.

6.  Click Confirm.
7.  Enter the number of hours requested off under the appropriate pay code.

8.  Click Save.