Messages for All Users


The Communications tab on the Settings page allows you to display messages to all of your employees when they log in to uAttend. This is useful for administrators to communicate company-wide notices.

To add a company-wide web notice, click the Settings tab on the main menu. Click the Communications link and click Add Message. Type the message, then click Send when you are finished.


Messages for Individual Users

The Communications tab on the user's profile page allows you to display messages to an individual employee when they log in to uAttend. However, the messages will not appear on timeclocks. Administrators and supervisors with editing rights can add messages for users.

To add an individual web notice, click the Users tab on the main menu. Select the user's name from the list. Click the Communications link and click Add Message. Type the message, then click Send when you are finished.


When the user logs in to uAttend, they can click the flag in the upper-right corner of the screen to access the Message Center. The flag will be orange if there are unread messages or grey if there are only messages that have been viewed.