Setting Up Timecard Approvals

Administrators set up timecard approvals. They can specify whether timecards require administrator approval, supervisor approval, and/or employee approval.

To set up timecard approvals, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Settings tab on the main menu.

2.  Click the Communications link.

3.  In the Approvals section, click the Edit link and select On. Click Save.

There are three levels of timecard approval: Admin Approval, Supervisor Approval, and Employee Approval.

4. Specify what type(s) of approval timecards require by clicking the Edit link in the appropriate section and turning the option Off or On. Click Save after you make each selection.


5.  If you wish, you can also enter a comment for employees to see on their timecards in the Timecard Approval Verbiage section.

Setting Up Supervisor Approval for Individual Departments

If you would like for some departments to NOT require supervisor approval, follow these steps:

1.  Follow the steps in the previous section to turn on Supervisor Approval through the Settings tab.

2.  Click the Departments tab, and then select the department.

3.  Click the Advanced tab.

4.  From the Timecard Require Supervisor Approval section, click Edit and select Off. Click Save.